AdventureByMail games are proudly designed to be played through the mail and support your local post office. In each game, two players use regular playing cards as prompts as they write and send letters as characters exploring and adventuring in a shared world.
Players do not draw from their own deck. Instead, with each letter you send, you'll enclose a playing card to inspire your partner's reply.
No GM needed.
"So damn unique and so super cool...The subject matter is incredibly compelling and the game play is super interesting."
-Ivan Potocnik
Passive (Aggressive) Perception, Episode 18
"Very, very cool...I just need someone to play with."
-Johnny Chiodini
Dicebreaker Podcast, Episode 26
"I'm starting a game with our editor as soon as we both get decks of playing cards."
-Sally Tamarkin
Oh I LIke That, Episode 3
For a single player solo variant, simply create the deck as instructed, follow direction for the opening entries and play as though keeping a journal as your character. You can add in additional cards for longer games if desired.